Ted Boyer
Needless to say, 2015 brings many new beginnings. Make every day count and take advantage of every break.
2015 has arrived and been here for several weeks now. If you’ve managed not to write 2014 on any papers yet, kudos to you. With this being said, the spring semester has begun, working a part-time job has resumed for many, and goals reside in the back of our minds as we journey through the New Year. For many, it is also a time of reflection as we are faced with the realities that we are currently living in the moment and bracing ourselves through snow storms in order to maintain our academics.
For many, it is a time of year when we reconsider our habits from fall semester and become anew during the spring. We might take into consideration the group exercises at the rec and a workout buddy, since spring break is less than two months away. Or we might simply be figuring out our plans for spring semester, whether it be volunteering, going back to an internship to make pocket cash, or spending time sleeping in at home. Whatever one may do over spring break, make the most of it.
Many of us complete our undergraduate degree within five years and after that, spring break or any break for that matter, is history. Each semester of college seems to fly by faster than ever and what every student awaits post-graduation opportunities. Simply put, make the most of your goals and resolutions, and follow through with them. They were written for a reason and serve an important purpose since we initially thought them through. Reward yourself over spring break, build your resume, continue to be in the know and make the most of every opportunity. For freshman, this will be your first spring break. If you had a solid past few semesters, go nuts. If this was not the case, take a moment to reevaluate your decisions. If you are a senior, live it up. This will be the last spring break ever, unless grad school is in your future. Other than that, enjoy those vacations days when you are in the real world.