Graphic by Ashlee Fields
Midterms can be a nerve-wracking time for students and over worrying can only make matters worse. There are simple things one can do to relieve stress and focus on doing well for their exams.
Getting a proper amount of sleep before an exam is important. While pulling an all-nighter to cram may seem like a good idea at the time, it does not help retain and process information as well as studying over a long period of time would.
Time management is another key factor when preparing for exams. Procrastinating is a major dilemma most college students face. However, being organized will allow students to spread out their study sessions and they will not feel burnt out by the end of it. It also allows the brain to take a breather and absorb the information better.
Maintaining a healthy balance of taking care of one’s body and mind will also help with stress. Eating proper meals will give your brain some fuel. Overloading on energy drinks and coffee, will not sustain the body for long before it crashes.
A stress reliever students can practice is trying to find an outlet to help deal with the work load. That may range from dabbling with art or music, to clearing the mind and working out.
Student Casey Hodgkiss has her own methods to de-stressing before an exam. “I normally take a lot of naps. My brain gets all jumbled if I push it too much, so I take at least one nap a day. I also just remember to give at least 20 minutes to myself every day, by listening to music while driving, getting ready, or making dinner. Just letting my brain relax for a little bit.”
Moreover, working out is a really useful way to relieve stress. When one works out, the body releases endorphins, which send signals to your brain to block the negative effects of stress and make that person feel happy.
The Student Recreation and Wellness Center offers a variety of workout classes, along with full access to their facilities and equipment for students.
In addition, yoga and meditation are both relaxing forms of workouts that encourage deep breathing and cleansing the mind.
The Holistic Leaders and Mindful Meditation club offers free, relaxing yoga every Wednesday from 6:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m., which is located at Bierce Library in Room 168.
There are also free, guided meditation sessions every Monday this semester, through April 27. It is located in the Union, Room 310 from 12 p.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Meditation Instructor Aditya Jindal, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, said, “Meditation gives rest to the mind which sleep can’t do… Meditation empowers us to face problems with a smile. To live in present moment is meditation.”
Maintaining a stress-free environment while preparing for midterms is essential to ease the chaos of midterms. These strategies can not only be applied toward exams, but for everyday situations as well.