Elizabeth Zumbach
Matt Altiere interacts with a student after the lecture.
The Counseling and Testing Center hosted a guest lecture by Matt Altiere, which focused on the benefits of healthy sleeping habits. Good Sleep and Academic Performance was presented on Tuesday, March 17 Simmons Hall, Room 306.
The hour long discussion reviewed the basics regarding sleep problems and deprivation in regards to college students, and the best ways students can develop good sleep habits. Altiere referred to this as sleep hygiene in the presentation.
The presentation was held in a comfortably small room and most of those who attended were psychology majors. Altiere discussed many of the issues that often cause college students to receive less sleep; Emphasizing the importance of how a busy schedule, stress, alcohol, and too much technology before bed can have negative effects on one’s sleep cycle.
A lack of sleep can lead to frustration and anger, as well as decreased attentiveness and lower testing scores. Sleep is needed to keep the brain working and alert, and a lack of sleep can impede one’s ability to learn new information, pay attention in class, or recall information on an exam.
Altiere has worked for the Counseling and Testing Center helping students with sleep problems for three years. He said that the seminar is held once a semester in order to help the myriad of students who come to the testing center for help with sleep problems.
If anyone one needs help, feel free to visit the Counseling and Testing Center in Simmons 306, or call them at 330-972-7082.