Taken from the Wayne College Library Instagram. @waynecollegelibrary
Students can share their love of reading in a unique way with the Silent Reading Club student organization that meets at The University of Akron’s Wayne Campus Library in Orville.
The monthly meetings, which kick off on Monday, February 10 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., offer the experience of reading alone, but together. This semester’s meetings will be March 10, April 14 and May 12.
Members meet at 6:30 p.m. to select refreshments and chat about what they have been reading. That’s when the silence starts. From 7 to 8 p.m., the members have free reign in the library.
After reading ends, members of the club can either choose to keep reading or mingle with other members for more literary discussion.
According to the club’s website, the 30 minutes of socializing before the silent reading starts and the additional social time after it ends offer members a chance to share their interests and find new books to read as well.
Silent Reading Club lead organizer, librarian Maureen Lerch, has seen more readers looking for a way to enjoy their pastime together.
“We want to give them a lot of opportunities to express that passion,” she said. “Especially in the past couple of years, we have a resurgence of readers who are passionate and recreational readers.”
The Silent Reading Club is open to all. While the club is focused on attracting students, anyone interested in silent reading can join.
Readers are encouraged to bring their own book.
An international club, the UA chapter takes the call for inclusion seriously, including a “no judgement” mentality when it comes to what books members bring along.
“That’s one of the big stipulations when you are setting up a chapter of the Silent Book Club. You have to be open and welcoming,” said Lerch.
There is no cost to participate in the Silent Book Club. For more information visit the chapter’s website. You can also find them on Instagram @waynecollegelibrary