“Mitch Sponseller was in search of beer money when he stumbled upon Shoop Thursday. I had tried tracking down Shoop for a few weeks, Sponseller said. When I finally found him, I passed the test with ease. After answering a few questions about the current issue,, Shoop gave Sponseller $20 in front of everyone.”
Mitch Sponseller was in search of beer money when he stumbled upon Shoop Thursday.
I had tried tracking down Shoop for a few weeks, Sponseller said. When I finally found him, I passed the test with ease.
After answering a few questions about the current issue,, Shoop gave Sponseller $20 in front of everyone. Sponseller is a second year accounting major and a single bachelor.
Shoop will be on campus every Tuesday and Thursday and ready to give out $20 to the first person that finds him and answers questions about the current issue of the Buchtelite.
Check the Buchtelite’s Twitter page and Facebook for hints about Shoop’s next location. There are six more chances for Buchtelite readers to win an extra $20, so be sure to read the Buchtelite and be on the lookout for Shoop!
Read the Buchtelite. It pays.