“Wow. I never knew that Hugh Jackman could sing. With that being said, there’s a reason why you ask certain actors to emcee the Oscars. The most obvious one being that they didn’t win one. Don’t worry Hugh, I’m sure the Wolverine movie will be considered for something! Maybe not an award, but I’m sure it won’t be for nothing.”
Wow. I never knew that Hugh Jackman could sing. With that being said, there’s a reason why you ask certain actors to emcee the Oscars. The most obvious one being that they didn’t win one. Don’t worry Hugh, I’m sure the Wolverine movie will be considered for something! Maybe not an award, but I’m sure it won’t be for nothing.
With much deserved respect to a different Australian, however, Heath Ledger managed to overcome a common Oscar stereotype by winning best supporting actor in an action hero movie. I’m sure this makes up for 2005’s unfortunate letdown.
I wonder how hard it actually is for Aussies to impersonate Americans? Given Ledger’s unique style of method acting, I’m sure he applied it to American lifestyle as well, which probably involved a lot of sitting on the couch, indulging himself with potato chips and my personal fav: impersonating different accents!
Speaking of language, it’s become apparent to me that freedom of speech still exists, and Mickey Rourke had no shame in expressing his at the Spirit Awards.
Thanks to him, the FCC will be the only people in this economy with secure retirement plans. I can’t help but wonder if he wrote his speech down beforehand, or rather had someone else write it for him.
One thing is absolutely certain: the guy operating the dump button that night probably never felt more important in his entire life. Yes, watching people we have no relationships with and will probably never meet receive awards is all very exciting, but we are forgetting the real reason people were watching the Oscars: Brad and Angelina, of course!
Could they hog anymore media, please? I will try my hardest to re-enact the conversation I think the Director had with his camera operator: Okay, wide shot on the stage, where all the important things are happening…now cut to Brad and Angelina.
It amazes me how few people can name even just a handful of Men who served as Presidents of the United States, yet they can trace every single event in the lives of Jennifer Anniston and Brad Pitt in their post break-up stage.
I can’t believe we even still let America vote on things. Why don’t we just ask Brad and Angelina how they feel?
In fact, I wonder if they have anything to say about the octuplet mommy.
I read somewhere that someone is claiming to be the father, and if that is not enough he is offering to help support them.
The mother has not only denied this to be true, but is also refusing his assistance.
Who cares if he is the father or not?
Regardless, the man is offering to help take care of eight of your 14 children!
Even Angelina has Brad to help!