“If the University of Akron wanted to make students happy, there is a simple solution. This applies to everyone on campus, guaranteed. Don’t have final exams on the Friday of finals week. Students dread nothing more than if their first two exams are on Monday and Tuesday and then they have to wait until Friday to take their last one.”
If the University of Akron wanted to make students happy, there is a simple solution. This applies to everyone on campus, guaranteed.
Don’t have final exams on the Friday of finals week. Students dread nothing more than if their first two exams are on Monday and Tuesday and then they have to wait until Friday to take their last one.
At thie point of the semester, the only thing students really want to do is be done, go on vacation, start working or move home.
So, UA, do the returning students a favor and get rid of Friday finals next year and forever after that.
In fact, we believe if UA got rid of finals on Fridays, students grades would go up significantly on the exams. Self esteem and confidence would be higher because students will know that summer vacation is one day closer.
For those students who are lucky enough to have professors that move their finals from Friday to a different day during the week, consider yourselves lucky.
Nothing ensures a professor a great evaluation more than either not giving a cumulative final with a million questions or moving the classes final away from Friday.
Make the change. Make a difference, UA.