Conrad Company
Akron’s recreation and wellness facility is known for working out and playing college intramural’s; but did you know about the classes that offer fitness and help you graduate?
Levi Nelson, former class teacher at the rec, said, “Most kids are completely unaware of some of the great classes UA has to offer regarding fitness. It’s something advisors need to talk with students more about.”
Levi taught numerous classes at the rec including tennis, basketball, swimming and bowling. One of his favorites not many students knew about was life-guarding; he said it was a great way to get CPR certified and could lead to a life-guarding job with UA.
Levi believes knowing more about these classes and taking them early in college could really benefit students and even help make friends. More importantly, all the classes that Levi taught gave students credit towards graduating.
Devon Koenig, a freshman at The University of Akron, said, “I thoroughly enjoy my classes at the rec. I get to play a sport I love in volleyball and I’ve made a couple really good friends just through this class.”
Devon then discussed the benefits of having credited classes like volleyball and basketball, saying these classes will give her GPA a little boost with most of these sporting classes being an easy A.
If you ever find yourself needing an extra class or just wanting to participate in sports, meet with your advisor and sign up for one of these great classes today!