“I don’t know why this excites me, but O.J. Simpson was convicted of 12 felonies stemming from his run-in over sports memorabilia. By run-in, I mean stuff like armed robbery and kidnapping. Child’s play for someone like the Juice. Don’t get me started. Howard Stern got married over the weekend.”
I don’t know why this excites me, but O.J. Simpson was convicted of 12 felonies stemming from his run-in over sports memorabilia.
By run-in, I mean stuff like armed robbery and kidnapping. Child’s play for someone like the Juice.
Don’t get me started.
Howard Stern got married over the weekend. I’m not sure that’s really big news, but the reception had to be an interesting soiree.
The guest list included people like Barbra Walters, Chevy Chase, John Stamos, Sarah Silverman and Donald Trump.
Nick Nolte’s home caught on fire this week. The important part is how bad Nolte looks these days. Google him and see. Holy moly.
This just in: Desperate Housewives is planning a huge fire on Wisteria Lane for November sweeps. Rumor has it some won’t survive the disaster.
Another rumor has it no one cares.
In important tattoo news, Angelina Jolie had two more inked on her arm.
She now has the latitudes and longitudes of all her children’s birthplaces on her upper arm. Um, OK.
Tina Fey again kicked ass as Gov. Sarah Palin on SNL.
She covered last week’s debate and the now-infamous interview with Katie Couric. I can’t get enough of Palin referring to Alaska’s proximity to Russia as foreign policy experience. Tee-hee.
See? It still makes me laugh.
Have I mentioned lately that Fey is from my hometown? That she went to Upper Darby High School, which was a block from my high school, the all-girls Catholic school, Prendie? Remember Mean Girls? Well, it was based on her experiences at that very same high school.
OK, OK, enough for gratuitous shout-outs.
I gave Dancing with the Stars another chance this week. Talk about wasted time.
However, in an awful, awkward moment, they told Rocco and Karina that they were this week’s losers and thus should have been going home, were it not for the early exit of volleyball star Misty May-Treanor.
DWTS better get some more interesting stars next season.
Jason Taylor, where are you?