“Ms. DoRight, I don’t understand text messages. My best friend texts me all the time and it bothers me. Most of her text messages are pointless, just a bunch of dumb jokes or pictures. It’s not even that she’s wasting my money, she’s wasting my time. I usually respond, but I’m not sure I’m supposed to.”
Ms. DoRight,
I don’t understand text messages. My best friend texts me all the time and it bothers me. Most of her text messages are pointless, just a bunch of dumb jokes or pictures. It’s not even that she’s wasting my money, she’s wasting my time. I usually respond, but I’m not sure I’m supposed to. Is there a good way to treat text messages?
txtng sux
txtng sux,
Face it: Text messaging is taking over our lives. As a communicative model, it’s efficient, but it also leaves a lot to be desired.
It’s understandable to get annoyed over pointless text messages. It is also a waste of your money, especially when someone sends a two-word text message like ur hot. If your boyfriend sends you a missive of this sort, text him back with we r thru, or a simple f u might suffice.
You should be a bit more sensitive in dealing with your friends. Boyfriends are more disposable than friends, so you don’t have to be as nice to them.
Starting an actual conversation with someone through text messaging should only be done with extreme caution. If you’re at the bar and you can’t hear anyone and it is absolutely imperative that you communicate with someone who is not in your immediate proximity-you can send a text message then.
However, even in such a situation, you must exercise caution. Use text messages to convey information. Meaning, sending what r u doin? is a little too general of a question for a text message. If you do this, it means your friends don’t want to spend time with you, which is why they are at the bar without you.
If you have to end a conversation but aren’t sure how to do it, try texting got 2 go. gyno appt. Whoever it is will get the clue, hopefully.