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The Editorially Independent Voice of The University of Akron

The Buchtelite

The Editorially Independent Voice of The University of Akron

The Buchtelite

The Editorially Independent Voice of The University of Akron

The Buchtelite

Bridging STEM fields

By Kaitlin Erdman April 6, 2016

Over the weekend, The National Inventor’s Hall of Fame STEM Middle School hosted its sixth BEST (Bridging Engineering, Science, and Technology) Medicine Engineering Fair. This event, orchestrated...

Why we feel guilty for taking care of ourselves

Why we feel guilty for taking care of ourselves

By Brittany Gregg, Opinion-Editor December 2, 2015

The other night I was sprawled out in my apartment with the covers pulled up to my neck. I started watching the infamous Buzzfeed videos on my laptop, then suddenly found myself watching Ted Talks a few...

Peralta speaks about how men and women engage in unhealthy habits when consuming alcohol.

Weight gain, drunkorexia could result from alcohol

By Sofia Syed, Arts & Life Editor November 10, 2015

Drinking in college has become a normality, but many students don’t realize the consequences of alcohol on their health and behavior. UA sociology professor Rob Peralta presented a lecture called...

Health Services warns of flu

By Tyler Coventry, Copy Editor April 9, 2015

Student Health Services has registered an increase in reports of flu cases this semester and has posted a list of advisements for students looking to protect themselves. The Center for Disease Control...

Graphic by Ashlee Fields

UA Health Clinic expanding role in community

By Nicholas Summers, Copy Editor January 29, 2015

  The Nursing Center for Community Health at UA has received a $50,000 grant over 18 months from the National Nursing Centers Consortium. The grant will facilitate medical-legal partnerships for...

America: biggest loser at losing weight

November 1, 2012

Written by: Alan Agnew I ask the reader to please cut the soft drinks, candy, desserts and bread out of their diet if he or she desires to avoid storing too much fat. Mayor Bloomberg proposed a ban on...

New fee begins this semester at Student Health Services

September 13, 2012

Written by: Katelyn Freil Some students may have gotten a surprise this semester when they saw
the new $15 nominal visit fee in Student Health Services. The new fee will offset rising health care costs,...

Palliative center celebrates its birthday

September 5, 2012

Written by: Beau Brown Few people are aware of the world-renowned Palliative Care Center located right around the corner at Akron Children's Hospital. The Haslinger Family Pediatric Palliative Care...

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