“There are many topics that cause quite a debate amongst people. In the past there were two major topics that people didn’t bring up, that was religion and politics. The newest is global warming. Global warming is a love hate topic. Either one wants to help stop it, or they don’t believe in its existence.”
There are many topics that cause quite a debate amongst people.
In the past there were two major topics that people didn’t bring up, that was religion and politics.
The newest is global warming.
Global warming is a love hate topic. Either one wants to help stop it, or they don’t believe in its existence.
Well, unfortunately, global warming isn’t Santa Clause, so, one cannot really choose if they want to believe in it or not.
In the past 30 years more than 400,000 square miles of the arctic has melted, according to www.edf.org.
This amount is staggering.
Also, according to www.news.nationalgeographic.com, the average temperature has climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
Since humans are the main contributors to this, we definitely need to do something to stop it.
Often some people say, Oh, it is happening, so, we should just go with the flow.
How can people just say to go with the flow?
Have we really become that selfish that we no longer care about the world around us?
Even if a person is selfish, they should still care about the world and its health, since this is the only place to live.
Also, the warming of the world is affecting ecosystems, plant species and entire populations of endangered animals.
There are many animals threatened with the possibility of extinction due to the damage global warming has on their environments, including the Polar Bears.
Who wants to be responsible for helping to kill the Polar Bears?
I don’t.
This is why it is so important for people to be educated on the subject.
People need to start helping to reduce the carbon dioxide, and stop ignoring that it is slowly reeking havoc on our world.
Just by taking a few simple steps such as inflating the tires on your car will save 250 pounds of carbon dioxide a year according to www.stopglobalwarming.org.
Other ways to do this is by recycling, reusing shopping bags and hanging your clothes up instead of putting them in the dyer.
Doing simple things like this will help reduce the exess carbon dioxide we produce.
This is the least that can be done since our actions contributed to this worldwide tragedy.