” It seems like a growing number of prominent Republicans are wanting to see President Obama’s policies fail. The newest Republican to join in on this anti-Obama bandwagon is former GOP presidential candidate Fred Thompson. In a recent interview with CNN’s John Roberts, Thompson publicly stated that he wants policies that he believes take the country in the wrong direction to fail.”
It seems like a growing number of prominent Republicans are wanting to see President Obama’s policies fail.
The newest Republican to join in on this anti-Obama bandwagon is former GOP presidential candidate Fred Thompson.
In a recent interview with CNN’s John Roberts, Thompson publicly stated that he wants policies that he believes take the country in the wrong direction to fail.
Why would someone want Obama’s plan to fail?
Do the Republicans not want this nation to rebound?
Do they want us to stay in the economic slump that we have been stuck in for so long?
It certainly does seem that way.
By saying these things they don’t seem to realize it makes them look arrogant and pretentious.
These statements also make them appear that they don’t want what is best for the country, they only want what will make them rich.
They don’t seem to understand that if Obama’s plans succeed the country will be a much better place.
Some of the pleasant benefits that will come if Obama’s plans are successful will be a stronger economy, more affordable health care and lower unemployment rates.
These certainly are not bad things. A successful Obama administration is a more prosperous America.
Perhaps their hostility towards Obama doesn’t lie in the fact that they don’t want the best for the country.
It may be the realization that when at the helm, with a majority in Congress and a Republican President, they did not provide the country the help or leadership it needed. In a sense, they have to tear Obama down to lessen the legacy of their past ineffectiveness.
When Bush was in office things didn’t go all that well. In fact, the country got progressively worse. Unemployment sky rocketed and the economy plummeted.
But while more prominent Republicans are wishing failure to Obama, the majority of Americans are still standing behind him.
According to www.gallup.com Obama’s approval rating is already outshining both Clinton and Bush at this time. Back in 1993 Clinton’s approval rating was at 53 percent, and in 2001 Bush’s was 58 percent.
Currently Obama is holding strong with a 61 percent approval rate.
While his rating has dropped slightly since he took office, it is mainly just the Republicans that are changing their minds.
People that don’t support Obama need to realize that he is the president of the United States, and, whether they like it or not he needs to be supported for the improvement of this country.
It is pointless not to.
His intentions aren’t to turn this country into the a wasteland that is full of misery and despair.
He’s trying to rescue the failing economy, reform healthcare and create a safer, stronger America.
Republicans need to realize that they don’t have all the answers. That’s not to say they don’t know some things, but for the past eight years they have failed us.
Finally we have a change.
Hopefully, Obama’s plans do work, so, this can be the great country it once was.