“It appears that something has happened to the University of Akron’s students e-mail addresses. Never has there been so many male enhancement advertisement in a school inbox. Really, when a school inbox is checked, it is supposed to be full of important school related information, not information about how to make tonight more pleasurable.”
It appears that something has happened to the University of Akron’s students e-mail addresses.
Never has there been so many male enhancement advertisements in a school inbox.
Really, when a school inbox is checked, it is supposed to be full of important school related information, not information about how to make tonight more pleasurable.
It has gotten to the point where it can be expected that there will be about five to six of these e-mails a day.
That is just plain annoying.
If you’re been overwhelmed with spam, we have the solution. The university’s webmail service has default settings for its spam filter. You may have noticed that several e-mails have {SPAM?} in the subject line. You can change the preferences on your filter and have these messages automatically deleted.
That’s right, deleted. You’ll never have to see them.
We know, it seems too good to be true. Really, you don’t have to spend hours deleting spam.
Webmail will do it for you.
Not quite as easily or as user friendly as Gmail, but it’s a start.