Every Wednesday, Student Health Services has been offering what they call You Need to
Know Wednesdays where AIDS testing is conducted anonymously and free of charge. This project
exists because AIDS is the sixth leading cause of death among college-aged students. This project is
In today’s post-modern world, where information is available at our fingertips via the internet,
everyone knows about AIDS and the potential danger of contracting it. Unfortunately, however, there
are few people out there who know their own personal risk, let alone the testing process. You Need To
Know Wednesdays gives at least some of those people the opportunity to become informed.
The greatest problem with this generation of college students is that we’ve become desensitized
to the vast amounts of knowledge available to us, so much so that we don’t even know how to make use
of that information. Student Health Services has developed a perfect solution to this 21st-century
The fact that anyone doesn’t know his or her own risk of contracting or spreading AIDS is a
travesty. We are all lucky enough to live in a country where confidential and accurate tests can and are
AIDS has been called the greatest plague that our generation will have to deal with. We all must
strive to understand our own risk, and know what resources are available to us as students of this
university. You need to know that everything you need to know is available through Student Health
The testing process is quick, easy and accurate, and has no cost to the individual. If our
generation is to conquer 21st-century epidemics such as AIDS, we must have more programs like You
Need to Know Wednesdays – programs which effectively apply the knowledge everyone already has
to solve the problems at hand. Certainly, there is no better means to combat relevant issues such as this.
Kudos to those who developed this program, and may all other University programs learn from it.