Zippy takes the lead

Capital One Mascot Challenge

Zippy ready to knock out the competetion in this week’s matchup.

By Forrest Dukes, Sports Editor

Halfway through this week’s matchup against Big Red, Zippy has a huge lead of 80-20 percent. Zippy is really looking to win after losing to the undefeated Cocky from South Carolina.

Voting ends Sunday and Zippy still needs your help to win. Here is what you can do to help. Voting is the easiest way students can show their support. Supporters can visit the website and vote for Zippy up to 50 times a day.

They can also make a status update on Twitter or Facebook stating what Zippy’s favorite exercise is. The last thing supporters can do is post videos and pictures of either themselves or Zippy doing an exercise. To make sure Capital One gets your post or your pictures and videos, use the hashtag #CAPITALONEZIPPY.

Get online and support the craziest kangaroo on a college campus at!