Study Abroad Fair provides international possibilities
Representatives from several organizations were on site to guide students in their decisions.
October 16, 2014
Students looking to study abroad may be daunted by its unfamiliarity, which is why on Tuesday, Oct. 14 The University of Akron’s Office of International Programs held their annual education abroad fair.
The fair went from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Student Union’s piano lounge and second-floor concourse. It was a chance for students to see and learn about foreign studies.
“It is a more one-on-one interaction,” said Education Abroad graduate assistant Paige Boughton. “[The tables] give [students] information a lot quicker and in a more personable manner.”
As well as UA’s trips, the fair showcased those of other universities and third-party organizations. Even Kent State University occupied a table.
“Kent state has two main programs that we wanted to provide for our UA students: their school in Florence and their school in Geneva, Switzerland. They are just fantastic programs that I highly recommend for our students to check out,” said Dave Black, Education Abroad’s assistant director.
Nine third-party groups were at the fair. Through boundless travels, unique studies and international internships, their opportunities made up for what UA lacked.
“They offer more options to students. They are able to take them to more countries than we can through the university. But we work very closely with them, and we can help [the students] all the way through,” said Boughton.
If not awarded directly from UA, most third-party programs allow students to apply for scholarships.
Study abroad trips usually count as credit for a student’s major or minor. If studying apart from UA, the credits transfer just like classes taken at a different school.
Next year, the French department is offering a new credit-providing opportunity. It combines their Le Mans University connections with the annual summer trip to France. Students will take European history courses and a private visit at The Palace of Versailles.
The classes are taught in English. It is possible, however, to take classes in the country’s native language, if a student so desires.
Some of UA’s most popular trips are summers in Spain and Sorrento, Italy.
More information on education abroad can be found on UA’s Office of
International Programs website.