Relaxation events held for students before finals week

By Alicia Finch, Editor-in-chief

The University of Akron’s student organization, Holistic Leaders and Mindful Meditation, is hosting a week-long event that offers a different type of meditation, yoga, relaxation and healing opportunity for each day during the week before finals.

The purpose of these events is to offer UA students a way to relax, find peace and heal during this busy and chaotic time of year.

“I first started yoga two years ago as a way of working out. Through this group I realized the different forms that yoga and meditation can take and the practice has become mental as well as physical,” said Janean Kazimir, a biology major.

The first series of events occurred this past Monday with Energizing Yoga and Yoga Nidra in Ballroom C of the Student Union. The events were lead by Sara Syed, 200-hour certified yoga teacher, and Kevin Karas, who received Yoga Nidra training in Yogaville this past summer.

On Tuesday, Dec. 2, Kevin will be leading Laughter Yoga in Student Union Room 335 from 5p.m. to 6p.m. as a way to get students laughing, promoting positive energy and simply being happy.

Wednesday, Dec. 3, Holistic Leaders will be offering a Relaxing Yoga class held by Syed in Ballroom A of the Student Union from 3p.m. to 4:30p.m. Students with no prior experience are encouraged to attend as Syed teaches a relaxing, meditative, healing type of yoga that focuses on breathing and cleaning the mind while simultaneously waking up tight parts of the body. Mats are provided.

World Renowned Violin Player Samuel Salsbury will be leading a group discussion, a guided meditation and will be performing live in Student Union Ballroom A from 5p.m. to 7p.m.

Thursday, Dec. 4, students will have a chance to try various methods of meditation that they can incorporate into their daily lives. The first event will be held by Duane, alumni of UA, in Student Union room 335 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Afternoon meditation will be hosted by the Counseling Center in Simmons Hall room 306 from 3p.m. to 4p.m.

Beginning Friday, Dec. 5, students can book reservations to receive a free Reiki session in Student Union Room 335 from 2p.m. to 6p.m. Reiki is a metaphysical way of healing one’s energy and body by using a healing touch and also incorporating healing crystals. Reiki can remove build-up blockages within the body and is even being practiced by the Cleveland Clinic as a way of alternative medicine. Sessions are 15 minutes long and can be booked by emailing Kevin Karas at or by signing up on the door.

The goal of these events is to promote awareness throughout the campus about the meditative and metaphysical alternatives there are to releasing energy, de-stressing, and rejuvenating the body. Students can find relaxation during this time of year by dropping in to any of these events.