The future can be a scary thing to think about. Currently we are emerged in a stage of life where the future is the only thing we think of. We wonder what classes we will take next semester, what internships we’ll find over the summer, what’s for lunch and, most importantly, what career path we are working toward. All of these questions impact us in some form, but the last is in many ways the most important.
The future can be a scary thing to think about. Currently we are emerged in a stage of life where the future is the only thing we think of. We wonder what classes we will take next semester, what internships we’ll find over the summer, what’s for lunch and, most importantly, what career path we are working toward. All of these questions impact us in some form, but the last is in many ways the most important.
College is the gateway to a career, hopefully a lucrative one, many would say. The question right now though is how different a place the workforce is going to be for us when we reach it.
Granted, each generation before us has seen change in how the workforce functions and how college students fit into its folds. Change is a constant force in society, that is a given, but oftentimes it can take us by surprise. Looking into the past, we see how greatly the workforce has been affected throughout each generation due to an increase in higher education, along with other factors. The more we learn the more is expected of us as workers. Hypothetically, this would be all sunshine and happiness, but what do we do when we are stuck in an in-between point?
Change is currently happening in the form of Ohio Senate Bill 5, which will alter the way the workforce functions and the way in which we depart from it. Teachers who have been working for years to build up a decent pension now see it being taken from them. College students preparing to enter the workforce look forward with fear of how little job security there may be.
Though many of you may or may not be well educated on the issues arising from the passing of Senate Bill 5, you may be aware that change is on the horizon. Whether for better or worse, we must continue working in this new environment. The ability to halt this change may not be in our power; however, being ignorant of the issue is one thing we can fight. Learn as much as you can and don’t be caught off-guard by this rapidly changing world.