Volunteer for Hunger walk by the Akron Area Interfaith Council
April 27, 2016
As a Muslim-American living in the United States, I oftentimes find myself questioning a core aspect on which this great nation was built: freedom of religion.
Elections are nearing and Donald Trump is being censored for his comments in regard to Muslims in the United States — shocking comments that shake the concept that an American is free to practice their religion without compulsion or coercion to change one’s faith or to accept a certain faith.
Concerned American Muslim even mentioned that she would like someone to look her in the eyes and say she does not belong in the United States. That the U.S. is not home. Freedom of religion and speech quickly go for a fencing match when many U.S. citizens are disparaged by comments that are un-American at their core.
In the light of these recent events, University of Akron students are asked to seek an alternate route. Walking for a cause takes a new face as University of Akron and students are introduced to a local walk by the Akron Area Interfaith Council. Aside from the fuzzy feel of accomplishment following the completion of a good act, this Hunger Walk combines two causes: interfaith and hunger/food insecurity.
This charity event will take place this upcoming Sunday, May 1.
Interfaith is the act of cooperation in the light of respecting and understanding a religious faith other than one’s own and the UA student body will embody the aspects that make for a peaceful event of Interfaith service, with a twist of fitness, this upcoming Sunday.
This event is taking place at three locations: Stark, Medina, and Fairlawn. Registration starts at 2 p.m., and the walk starts at 3 p.m. A Hot Soup Social will be offered after the walk and all donations online or at the Hunger Walk will go to the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank.
Nonperishable food items will be collected at the registration desks at each AAIC walk location.
The Fairlawn Walk will start and end at the Unitarian Universalist Church at 3300 Morewood Rd., The Medina walk will start and end at Community Service center at 655 N Broadway St, Medina 44256, and the Stark Route will begin and end at the Community Christian Church at 210 North Main St, North Canton OH 44720. If you are looking to donate, visit www.hungerwalks.org.
Call Susan Davis at 330-329-5132 with any questions in regards to their service event.
Support tolerance and understanding in the face of strife and conflict. Work towards stronger communities of tolerance and understanding. Work to create more food security in your community. Be a force of love and coexistence in the face of misunderstanding and dogma. Volunteer for the Hunger Walk by the Akron Area Interfaith Council.