Dismay at front page photo
November 29, 2016
As a financial supporter and a graduate of the University of Akron [sic], I want to put on record my dismay at the front page color photo of a young lady holding up a sign containing an obscenity in the November 17 edition of The Buchtelite. I never use that language; there are far better ways to express oneself. I understand that much discussion was held and that even though it was deemed possible some would be angry (I am not angry, just appalled) the decision was made to go forward with the picture. I acknowledge the constitutional freedom the editor, staff and advisor of the paper quote as a justification for the photo, but the message would be far better received if presented in less offensive language. Putting it on the front page in full color demeans the University and those who have great affection for it.
– Rosemary Wright
Class of 1958