“Senator Barack Obama is my choice for President of the United States because I believe he truly understands the hardships of the middle class and has the correct vision to bring this country the change it needs. From his work as a community organizer in the south side of Chicago working with the poorest of the poor to his early opposition to the unjust war in Iraq to his work in the Senate, Senator Obama has proven he is an intelligent man who works hard to make a difference for everyday Americans.”
Note to Editor: The opinions expressed in this article are that of the writer an not the Buchtelite staff.
Senator Barack Obama is my choice for President of the United States because I believe he truly understands the hardships of the middle class and has the correct vision to bring this country the change it needs. From his work as a community organizer in the south side of Chicago working with the poorest of the poor to his early opposition to the unjust war in Iraq to his work in the Senate, Senator Obama has proven he is an intelligent man who works hard to make a difference for everyday Americans. Below are his specific plans on the economy, health care, taxes, education and national security which will lead this country into a better future after these eight years of a visionless administration.
Senator Obama and Senator Biden will provide a tax cut for working families. By restoring fairness to the tax codes and ending Bush tax cuts to the wealthiest one percent supported by Senator John McCain, Senator Obama will provide 95 percent of working Americans much needed tax relief, including working students. The new Making Work Pay tax credit will give back up to $500 for an individual and $1,000 per working family.
In addition, Senator Obama will create tax relief for small businesses by eliminating all capital gains taxes on startup and small businesses which will encourage innovation and job creation. Senator Obama will also work toward better trade agreements which will provide long-term solutions. He will work for trade policies that would open up foreign markets to support good American jobs while spreading fair labor and environmental standards around the world. Barack Obama’s plan addresses the immediate needs of the middle class while also working on lasting solutions to our economic crisis.
Senator Obama’s tax system will benefit the middle and working classes. His taxes will be lowered for 95 percent of workers by repealing Bush’s tax cuts which lower taxes for the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans. Low- and middle-income seniors, homeowners and families sending a child to college will receive tax cuts as well. Also, Senator Obama will simplify taxes by combining already existing tax credits and by making tax forms easier to complete. Senator Obama’s tax plan will positively affect all citizens making under $250,000 a year.
Health care
Senator Obama’s goal is to make health care affordable to all citizens. He believes health care is a right, not a privilege for those who are lucky enough to afford it. Students will not have to worry about how many credits they are taking so that they can stay on their parent’s health care plan.
Obama will utilize the current health care system while also lowering the costs for each family by $2,500 by investing in health information technology, prevention and care coordination. Coverage will include preventive services. John McCain will, for the first time in history, tax health care coverage as income. In short, Barack Obama’s health care plan will be accessible and affordable to all Americans.
Senator Obama proposes an education plan for every stage of school. He will enact an early childhood education program which will help support young children before they enter kindergarten and enable states to move toward universal pre-school.
Once students are in school, Obama will retool No Child Left Behind so that students will not have to be taught to take a standardized test. So what will Senator Obama do for us? He will create a new tax credit, the American Opportunity Tax credit worth $4,000 in exchange for community service. This will cover two-thirds the cost of tuition at the average public colleges and universities. Also, he will make community college completely free for the majority of students.
National Security
Senator Obama’s first national security goal is to find and destroy al Qaeda. He will prepare the military to meet the threats of the 21 century while also ensuring our foreign policy is consistent with our values as a nation.
Obama will lead the effort to secure nuclear weapons material at vulnerable sites within his first term. Senator Obama will work with our intelligence agencies to prevent bioterror attacks.