Alcohol Awareness Week at UA
As Alcohol Awareness week is coming to an end, the fun activities aren’t quite over yet!
October 17, 2017
On Wednesday, Oct. 18, the Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils will be hosting the “Know Your Impact: Under the Influence” event from 6 . to 9 p.m. in the Student Union, Ballrooms A and B. A variety of fun activities at the event are meant to simulate the effects of alcohol and how it impairs judgment.
On Thursday, Oct. 19, UA’s Alcohol Awareness Trivia night will be taking place at 7 p.m. in the Union Market. Trivia night will offer students a chance to win awesome prizes.

On Friday, Oct. 20, alcohol awareness tabling will be taking place on the second floor of the Student Union. Later that day, the Root Beer Kegger will take place from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. in the Union Market.
The Root Beer Kegger will be hosted by the Department of Student Life and Counseling and Testing Center, the Kegger will offer a wide variety of interactive activities for which students can partake. Such as a root beer pong tournament, a drunk goggle obstacle course, an escape room sponsored by the CASA, free pizza, root beer floats, and so much more.
Any UA student can attend these events. For more information, contact Brittany Ferguson-Mike at [email protected] or visit Alcohol Awareness Week.