“University of Akron freshman Leceeon Terrell has recently received her first turn in the spotlight. Terrell was featured, along with fourteen other girls, in Seventeen magazine. I am in Seventeen magazine because I am involved in a project called The Freshmen Fifteen.”
University of Akron freshman Leceeon Terrell has recently received her first turn in the spotlight.
Terrell was featured, along with fourteen other girls, in Seventeen magazine. I am in Seventeen magazine because I am involved in a project called The Freshmen Fifteen. We give advice to upcoming freshmen and those who are already in college. We basically let them in on our lives. We tell them everything, by writing blogs and doing videos and all that good stuff, says Terrell.
Last year, the first year that this Freshmen Fifteen series was published, Terrell read along in Seventeen magazine. She saw that they were looking for new girls this year and decided to apply. She went through an application process by filling out an online application, completing a phone interview, and sending in an audition video. Terrell was chosen out of a couple thousand girls.
The first issue this months November issue is her first feature. Every new issue of Seventeen magazine contains a quote from Terrell with quotes from the other fourteen girls.
Terrell explains, The main thing we do is on the internet, through the blogs and videos. Although this experience is new and exciting, Terrell has not had the chance to travel anywhere yet. We don’t get to travel unless we plan it ourselves. The girls and I want to go to New York and try and meet the editors. There is so many of us and it is hard to get 15 girls from all around the country together, but we are still trying, Terrell said.
She has not met the other girls who are featured in the Freshmen Fifteen Series; although they do talk everyday either on the phone or through their Facebooks. On top of the fame that she is receiving, Terrell is getting paid for her whole year’s worth of blogging and video posting. I was interested in doing this because this is my first year in college and I thought it would be pretty cool to share my first year experience with other girls around the country who don’t really know anything about college, Terrell said.
I want the girls to learn with me, through questions that I have and questions they have. We are doing this together.
Terrell says that it was very hard to keep this a secret before the actual first edition came out because she has a very large family and she wanted to tell people. She only told her parents and a close friend. When I first got selected I was so excited and I wanted to show everybody. I really never thought I would get the opportunity to do something like this. I never thought they were going to pick me, and for them to choose me and the other fourteen girls is really amazing. Knowing that people rely on what we’re saying and they’re watching us and they need comments is pretty exciting, says Terrell.
She receives many comments on her blogs. Terrell explains that the Freshmen Fifteen Series is a guide for girls who are nervous about coming to school. Being able to read and watch what the girls who were in it last year were doing really helped me to understand that it wasn’t going to be that difficult. College is really fun and it is really good to meet new people. Terrell says that although this experience is strenuous because she has to meet crazy deadlines every week, she would definitely do this experience again. It is benefiting me because I don’t know too many people out here. I have a couple of friends with me, but you get to talk and express your feelings to all kinds of people and they actually want to know about you and your experiences, and are actually listening, says Terrell. To read along about how Terrell and fourteen other college freshmen are doing, go to seventeen.com/freshmanfifteen