Midterm Elections: Voting Information
Republicans and Democrats will face off again during this midterm election, everyone is encouraged to vote. (Photo courtesy of Pixabay)
October 15, 2018
Voting is the best way to exercise your basic human rights while making sure your voice is heard.
Since the deadline to register for voting in Ohio was Oct. 9, 2018, voters are now responsible to find their polling place and vote for the candidate that best matches their own views.
To find your polling place, you can visit the Ohio Secretary of State’s website. Required information includes: what county you live in, your address and the election you’re voting in.
The information required is listed as house number, street direction and name, street type, street suffix and zip code.
The website gives you information on the specific election you’re registered to vote in and the location of the polling place. It gives the option to map directions to the polling place as well.
The website includes polling hours, which is important for anyone who works or goes to school. It also lists default polling place details in case the original polling place cannot be used. Towards the bottom, precinct and district information is listed as well.
For information about candidates running in the midterm elections visit VoteSmart. This website provides voters with information on their candidates including biographies, voting histories, positions, ratings, speeches, and funding relating to the candidates.
Midterm Election voting takes place on Nov. 6, 2018.