Special: “Why I’m Proud to Be Black”

By The Editorial Board

The month of February marks Black History Month, a time to remember the generations of African Americans that persevered to obtain their citizenship. To celebrate the month, The Buchtelite interviewed students asking them why they are proud to be black.

Adey Abeba

UA student Adey Adeba.

“I’m proud to be who I am. I’m proud to be part of such a rich and diverse culture. Plus, the food and music are much better on this side.”

Eboni Hall

UA student Eboni Hall.

“I’m very proud to come from a line of people, who even through very terrible circumstances, decided to band together and persevere. They decided to come together and make change, even like nowadays with movements like Black Lives Matter, they come together to make change for not only themselves but for other people. Because when rights get better for minorities, they get better for all minorities.”

Makiyah Jackson

UA student Makiyah Jackson.

“Everything about my life is lit, and it’s because I’m black. I’ve always been proud to be a black woman. While growing up, my mother and grandmother always made sure I knew that I was beautiful and to never doubt that.  I love how brown my skin is and how many different shades black people can be. I love how we glow in the sun. I love how my big hair can turn heads and how defined my curls are. I have self-pride in my blackness. I am a senior graduating in May with my B.A in Multidisciplinary Studies and I plan to move to a bigger city and pursue my career in media. I am an aspiring media influencer, cook and business owner. That’s what I like to call that ‘Black Girl Magic.’”

Ray Kellam

UA student Ray Kellam.

“Because it’s different. I’m proud to be black because I’m out here doing it for my culture, out here making it despite the odds that I had growing up in the world. I love my brothers and I love my sisters.”

Justin Kidd

UA student Justin Kidd.

“I’m proud to be black just because it gives me the opportunity to prove people wrong about a lot of the misconceptions people have about black men, specifically.”