Rape Crisis Center to Host Annual Walk of Heroes

(Image via The University of Akron)
Zippy looks at a table with items from the Rape Crisis Center.
April 8, 2019
The Rape Crisis Center of Medina and Summit Counties is hosting their annual Walk of Heroes this year on April 26, from 6-8 p.m.
In the past, there have been delays due to the weather, so this year the Rape Crisis Center decided to have an indoor event, utilizing the Stile Athletics Field House at 289 S. Union St.
In 2019, the fundraising goal is $60,000 dollars. So far they have raised $5,130 of their $60,000 dollar goal, according to the Rape Crisis Center’s website.
The Walk of Heroes is the Rape Crisis Center’s main fundraising effort to keep their services to the public free of charge.
“Since the event is on campus this year, we are hoping to get as many departments, student organizations, athletic teams, sororities, and fraternities as possible to sign up and come to the event,” Campus Education & Outreach Advocate, Angelica Corrado said.
This event is a unique way to unite the community and sexual assault survivors.
The RCC encourages those attending the event to dress as their favorite superheroes, both in honor of the brave survivors of sexual assault and the workers operating the RCC 24/7 to advocate for the survivors of sexual assault.
“Anyone can sign up and create their own team for Walk of Heroes,” Corrado said. To sign up, or donate, visit the Rape Crisis Center’s website.