Alpha Phi Hosting Annual Red Dress Gala for Women’s Heart Health
All proceeds from the event and ‘Go Red Week’ go to the Alpha Phi Foundation to support women’s cardiac care.
(Image via Alpha Phi’s website)
The 2019 Red Dress Gala raised over $9,000 for the Alpha Phi Foundation.
February 18, 2020
The Eta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi at The University of Akron will be hosting its annual Red Dress Gala on Feb. 29 to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation in support of women’s heart health and cardiac care.
Alpha Phi was originally established at Syracuse University in 1872 and was one of the first Greek societies strictly for women, according to the Eta Gamma chapter website.
The Eta Gamma Chapter was then founded at UA in 1986 and strives to uphold their core values of scholarship, sisterhood, service, leadership, loyalty and character development through philanthropic endeavors like the gala.
Diamond Johnson-Hannan, Eta Gamma Chapter’s vice president of community relations, said heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in women, with 1 in 3 deaths each year.
“That’s approximately one woman every minute,” Johnson-Hannan said. “We host this event to not only raise money for this cause, but also to provide awareness [that] heart disease affects so many lives.”
The gala will include a buffet-style dinner and cake for those who purchase a single or double ticket, as well as photograph opportunities in front of this year’s featured ivy wall, an awards ceremony, a professional DJ and a silent auction.
This year, the sisterhood hopes to raise at least $13,000 through ticket sales, the silent auction and donations.
Because the biggest thing the sisterhood does at the Gala is the silent auction, their members put in a lot of work toward getting donations and putting the baskets together that will interest attendees the most.

The main focus of the Eta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi at UA is to raise money to support women’s heart health.
One item available through the silent auction this year includes floor seats to a Cleveland Cavaliers game that are valued at over $500, Johnson-Hannan said.
The Eta Gamma Chapter also hosts ‘Go Red Week’ leading up to the event to raise even more money for the foundation.
‘Go Red Week’ includes several tabling events in the Jean Hower Taber Student Union, such as a bake sale and penny wars.
The sisterhood will also be hosting a Dine & Donate at Chipotle and a new event this year called “Wing PHIver,” where members will be selling wings and fries at the Alpha Phi house and will even do delivery.
‘Go Red Week’ and the Red Dress Gala are the chapter’s two biggest annual fundraising events and are representative of the values upheld by members of the sisterhood.
“My favorite part about being in Alpha Phi is the women I get to share my experience with,” Johnson-Hannan said. “I know no matter what’s going on in my life I have this entire support system behind me cheering me on.”
The Alpha Phi Eta Gamma Chapter’s annual Red Dress Gala will take place on Feb. 29 from 6 to 9 p.m. at Guy’s Party Center at 500 East Waterloo Road in Akron.
Tickets for the Red Dress Gala including the dinner are $50 for a single ticket and $90 for a double ticket. ‘Crash the Gala’ tickets, which don’t include dinner, are $15.