Bierce Library Announced Winners of Two-Sentence Horror Story Contests for UA Students, Staff, and Faculty

Challenging the UA community with a creative writing opportunity and a chance to win a prize.

Image via Stephanie Dawson Everett

Advertisement of the Two-Sentence Horror Story Contest.

By Emily Price, correspondent

The University of Akron Bierce Library announced the winners of their latest creative writing competition for students, faculty, and staff on Oct. 29, 2021. Their latest challenge was advertised as the “Two-Sentence Horror Story Contest.’ This contest involved writing a spooky story in 400 characters or less (two sentences). Submissions opened Oct. 13, 2021, and ended Oct. 22, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. Out of the 40 plus submissions made to the site, three micro-stories were awarded.  

First place was awarded to Laura Wolfe, an English faculty member. Her story submission vividly portrayed the emotions surrounding a student’s worst nightmare. 

“My heart beats ferociously against my chest as I gasp to breathe and beads of sweat trickle down my hot temples while my fingers turn cold and clammy. After averting my eyes for what seems like forever, I slowly shift my nervous gaze into the glaring eyes of the professor, towering over me, who snarls, ‘Take out a blank piece of paper.’” 

Second place was given to an undergraduate student, Ryan Block who is double-majoring in Spanish and Communication. 

“Snap, crackle, pop. Funny how the popular motif of a breakfast cereal described the way he broke my neck.” 

Third place was awarded to an undergraduate Criminal Intelligence Analysis major student, Ayden Hassert.  

“She adjusts the tie of my funeral suit in front of the mirror. She died last week, and I live alone.” 

“We started these virtual contests in the spring of 2020 when we didn’t have a chance to do any in-person programming but still wanted to connect with campus,” Everett continued, “It went so well we decided to host one for Halloween. So far, we’ve done two Haiku poetry contests (April), First Line Literary Contest (September), and the Two-Sentence Horror Story contest (October).” 

Suzan Altintas, first place winner of the prior contest from Bierce Library titled ‘First Line Literary Contest.’ Her entry was “The first day I died, my best friend made it snow.” 

Altintas states, “I found out about [the contest] from Professor Giffels from my intro to creative nonfiction writing class. He posted an announcement about the contest on Brightspace, and I was intrigued by the premise of the competition (coming up with the first line of a novel).” 

Altintas continued, “I was really, really surprised [about being awarded first place]. I thought the line that I came up with was unique, but I had no idea it would be as well-liked as it was.” 

If students missed out on participating in this latest contest from Bierce Library, they can participate in future programming opportunities from Bierce Library. 

“Although COVID-19 has been tough on all things outreach, we’re hoping that engaging virtual events and activities like this one might stick around,” Everett commented. 

“Give it a try, you might surprise yourself by doing better than you think!” Altintas states. 

Any further questions concerning the latest competition Two Sentence Horror Story Contest or contests hosted by Bierce Library in the past can be directed to Stephanie Everett at