“Rihanna and Chris Brown are back together. According to People.com, the couple has reconciled after the Feb. 8 incident. A leaked photo of a badly beaten Rihanna shows the true aftermath of the incident that resulted in Brown being charged by LAPD with making criminal threats.”
Rihanna and Chris Brown are back together. According to People.com, the couple has reconciled after the Feb. 8 incident. A leaked photo of a badly beaten Rihanna shows the true aftermath of the incident that resulted in Brown being charged by LAPD with making criminal threats.
Brown offered this apology in regards to the incident:
Words cannot begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what transpired, I am seeking the counseling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones and I am committed, with God’s help, to emerging a better person.
He didn’t mention Rihanna or exactly what happened, but he admitted he needs help and is getting it, but could he have really worked through all his issues in that small amount of time?
If he truly loves her and is sincerely remorseful for what he has done, he would want to help himself before even considering reconstituting their relationship.
The same goes for Rihanna. If she cares for him and wants to see him get help she would refuse to get back together until he had really gotten some help.
Surprisingly Rihanna’s father is supporting her decision to get back together with Chris Brown.
Whatever road she chooses, I’m behind her, he said.
When the incident first happened he said, I hope he learned his lesson and that this will never happen to another woman.
So it seems odd that he would support reconciliation less than a month after the incident that left his daughter hurt.
Rihanna is a celebrity and her actions are in the public eye whether she wants them to be or not.
She is a role model and her decisions have effects. She could take a stand and bring the problem of domestic abuse into the spotlight.
She could be a voice against this kind of treatment towards women. However, if she has gotten back together with him it will send the wrong message.
It sends a message that as long as the guy says he is sorry, all can be forgiven and his actions excused.
Seeing the disturbing photo of Rihanna after the incident makes anyone wonder how she could even consider giving him a second chance, but according to psychotherapist and relationship expert Shannon Fox, it is not that uncommon.
Abused women leave their abusers and return an average of nine times before they leave for good or are hospitalized or killed.
There is another question to be considered in this whole unpleasant incident: Does Chris Brown deserves a second chance?
He admittedly has some very serious issues that he needs to work through, but even if he gets it will it be enough?
He beat up his girlfriend. Love can be complicated, but if you love someone you don’t hit them, no matter what.
So Chris Brown should take his bruised reputation and hit the road. No woman needs that kind of man.
Rihanna seriously needs to think about what getting back together with Chris Brown means, not just for the message it would send but also for her own safety.