“Students on the UA campus are preparing to vote in Tuesday’s primary. Many students are excited about the election-this enthusiasm can be seen on campus. There is a good bit of interest and enthusiasm about the primary among the UA students, Dr. John Green, Director of the Bliss Institute of Applied Politics said.”
Students on the UA campus are preparing to vote in Tuesday’s primary. Many students are excited about the election-this enthusiasm can be seen on campus.
There is a good bit of interest and enthusiasm about the primary among the UA students, Dr. John Green, Director of the Bliss Institute of Applied Politics said.
Green said he feels that the university has a more prominent Democratic faction of students, as opposed to those who claim loyalty to the Republican Party. Green feels that the reason for this is simply because most UA students come from the Northeast region of Ohio, where Democrats are prevalent.
Green also said that of the two democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, Obama is receiving the most support from UA. However, Green said Clinton has a good bit of support as well.
Obama has inspired many students by his speeches and his promise to change the way politics is done in the U.S., Green said. Some students, especially women, are also inspired by Clinton.
Obama has an edge because he is a new candidate.
Green also added that to many students feel Clinton seems favorable because she is a well established figure. He said the democratic students that he has spoken with would be willing to support either candidate.
Green feels that John McCain has the most support among the Republicans and also among independents.
UA students seem to reflect Green’s belief in strong democratic support. In particular, support of Barack Obama is most popular.
Amanda Soehnlen, a junior in graphic design said she is planning to vote in Tuesday’s primary even though she has a forty-minute drive back to her hometown.
I am actually registered republican, even though I consider myself a democrat. I am going to be voting for John McCain because Mike Huckabee honestly scares me with his talk of completely throwing out the constitution to replace it with laws based on God, which doesn’t really have a place in our government, Soehnlen said. If I was actually voting democratic, I would vote for Barack Obama because we actually need a president with public speaking skills to help restore the nations public image, because there is more about the world then just what we do, and we need someone who thinks globally.
Basically I am voting for McCain because he seems like the lesser of two evils. Soehnlen added that when it comes time to vote next November she will be voting for the democratic candidate that makes it through the primary, who she hopes will be Obama.