“The University of Akron College of Education recently named a new dean to head the college, Dr. Mark Shermis. The University of Akron provided me with a wonderful opportunity to extend my skills and it is a great place for me to work with faculty to build something, said Shermis on his decision to come to UA.”
The University of Akron College of Education recently named a new dean to head the college, Dr. Mark Shermis.
The University of Akron provided me with a wonderful opportunity to extend my skills and it is a great place for me to work with faculty to build something, said Shermis on his decision to come to UA.
Shermis believes that his profile was a good match for what Akron is looking to do in the future and everything seemed to be a good fit.
I was very happy with my interactions throughout the interview process and I was excited once the offer was given to me, states Shermis. The new dean believes he has gotten this opportunity because over his career he has had a steady increase in administrative responsibility.
Shermis explained, I have had a range of experiences that I think will allow me to work well in a big, urban environment. Shermis was an associate dean at a university in Miami and is currently just finishing up his job as chair of the Department of Educational Psychology in the University of Florida’s College of Education.
Two of those institutions were located in major cities in the United States, and I think that experience was very good background for coming to the University of Akron, Shermis said. The incoming dean explains that some immediate plans are in action for the future. Shermis explained some of his future plans, The College of Education has an NCATE Review, which is an accreditation review, plans for a new educational building facility, as well as plans for alumni development.
Although Shermis is moving from a much warmer climate, he is not concerned about the temperature change.
I think simply working with my new colleagues in the College of Education will keep the environment very pleasant and toasty.
Shermis will be arriving at UA no later than July 1, but will most likely be coming around the end of the University of Florida’s spring semester, which is May 1. He plans to be here as soon as his house sells in Florida and he can purchase a place in the Akron area.
Shermis has great excitement about coming to UA and he believes there is a lot of opportunity.
The nice thing about Akron is that it is an up and coming institution in an urban environment, and there are a lot of things going on, said Shermis. He also is excited because, I’m excited in terms of working with the faculty, the college and my colleagues across campus.
The new dean has lived in the Midwest before and has worked in institutions very similar to Akron.
I’m not sure if everybody realizes this, but you have a great, supportive administration, a wonderful and dynamic president and to be able to work in that environment and keep the focus on students is very exciting for me, concludes Shermis.