“The Hurt Locker is a war drama revolving around three main characters that specialize in the dangerous job of disarming Improvised Explosive Devices (IED’s) during combat. Set in Iraq during 2004, the film profiles Sergeant J.T. Sanborn (Anthony Mackie) and Specialist Owen Eldridge (Brian Geraghty) as they work together on the elite team known as the Bravo Company.”
The Hurt Locker is a war drama revolving around three main characters that specialize in the dangerous job of disarming Improvised Explosive Devices (IED’s) during combat.
Set in Iraq during 2004, the film profiles Sergeant J.T. Sanborn (Anthony Mackie) and Specialist Owen Eldridge (Brian Geraghty) as they work together on the elite team known as the Bravo Company.
After losing their leader on a diffusion mission at the film’s outset, we are introduced to Staff Sergeant William James (Jeremy Renner) who is sent to be the team’s new commander.
Almost immediately, problems arise as Sergeant James proves to be a loose cannon and begins to do his own thing in the field despite the requests of his team members.
In fact, he is praised as wild man by one of the platoon’s Colonels after deciding to turn his radio off and defuse a bomb without wearing his protective suit, saying, …If I’m gonna die, I’m gonna do it comfortable.
With only 38 days left in Bravo Company’s deployment, every mission becomes a chaotic attempt to contain Sergeant James and make it out alive.
The tension between the team members ends up being the film’s biggest strength as the viewer gets an in depth look into the character’s lives and personalities in order to understand and relate to soldiers.
Although, The Hurt Locker features few notable names, the film has been noted as one of the best of the year by many top critics and is said to be a contender for Best Picture at this year’s Academy Awards.
The use of handheld cameras and shaky footage provides a certain authenticity in the film, which adds to its overall appeal.
Although is it not your normal action packed war flick, The Hurt Locker succeeds as a character driven drama and is by far the best Iraq film to date.
Although The Hurt Locker features few notable names, the film has been noted as one of the best of the year by many top critics and is said to be a contender for Best Picture at this year’s Academy Awards.
The film is shot mostly in Jordan and Kuwait in a sort of documentary style.
The use of handheld cameras and shaky footage provides a certain authenticity in the film, which adds to its overall appeal.
Although The Hurt Locker features few notable names, the film has been noted as one of the best of the year by many top critics and is said to be a contender for Best Picture at this year’s Academy Awards.
The use of handheld cameras and shaky footage provides a certain authenticity in the film, which adds to its overall appeal.
Although is it not your normal action packed war flick, The Hurt Locker succeeds as a character driven drama and is by far the best Iraq film to date.
The use of handheld cameras and shaky footage provides a certain authenticity in the film, which adds to its overall appeal.
You can expect acting nominations for Jeremy Renner as Sergeant James, and possible nominations for writing and directing as well.
The Hurt Locker is Rated R for war violence and language and has a runtime of 131 minutes.
It is currently showing at Cinemark Tinseltown USA-North Canton and Regal Montrose 12.
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