“In answer to the positive support received for the Sept. 3 article, University Should Make Parking a Priority, a follow-up was necessary in order to start generating a positive solution to our parking problem. We’ve shown the administration and our classmates that we know how to complain, but no success was ever achieved without concrete action.”
In answer to the positive support received for the Sept. 3 article, University Should Make Parking a Priority, a follow-up was necessary in order to start generating a positive solution to our parking problem. We’ve shown the administration and our classmates that we know how to complain, but no success was ever achieved without concrete action. So here’s how we can start solving the problem proactively.
A great medium for students to start with is the Buchtelite.
We are independently funded from the rest of the university and don’t mind acting as a voice in the event that you need one.
If you have something you feel needs to be addressed, please send us an e-mail or stop into the office.
This is the main reason we exist.
Secondly, a portion of your tuition dollars is spent towards funding a very bright and motivated student government. You’re paying for them, so use them.
ASG President, Jason Ziegler, was very kind to have a conversation with us about the parking situation and the importance of his organization on Student Appreciation Day last week.
Ziegler has already been a leader on a number of issues, inlcuding campus safety, inclusive excellence, EAF funding for student organizations, and even more student accessibility to ASG, since his election last April.
He’s a busy guy, but like us, parking is also on his mind.
I have to drive around for 45 minutes like everybody, he said, as we got into it.
Recently, he’s started working with Jim Stafford, director of parking services, to help locate lots the university might be able to lease as a short-term solution to the congestion.
This is a great start, but if we want a real response from the administration, Mr. Ziegler cannot do it all on his own. He needs to hear from you.
The more attention organizations like ASG and the Buchtelite receive from the student body in regards to parking, the more attention we, in turn, can bring to the issue.
So, if people get loud, this gets handled?
Yes…If [the administration] sees that these 40 people in ASG oppose something, it means that the other 20,000-some people are also against it, Ziegler answered. They work really well with us.
This is the same kind of action that lead to ASG demanding and receiving our Student Recreation and Wellness Center ten years ago.
The best part is that it works.
As students, here’s what we think we deserve in terms of a formal response from the university:
We need numbers. As part of its strategic planning initiative, the university should have information on how many cars are in queue for a spot at any given time and how long it takes each car to find one.
A creative solution should be drawn up to reduce both of these.
Many students have come to us suggesting the university develop an organizational solution similar to the one used by Kent State, which employs the use of assigned lots for commuters, residents, and faculty.
We think this is a great idea.
Faculty need their own assigned lots.
Some of them teach classes of 200 students or more.
If they’re late to class because they have to fight with the rest of us to find a spot, think about the amount of time it wastes… multiplied by 200.
The amount of income generated from parking tickets over the past few years should be made easily accessible to the public, specifically those issued to people who received them for parking in a non-sanctioned space, something we feel is directly caused by unnecessary congestion.
The administration should also have plans in the works for accommodating our growing student population.
Not having plans to make room for new students is ludicrous at this stage.
The administration also needs to begin updating their strategic planning Web site again, and the site needs to be made easily accessible to students and the public.
For all we know, all of these issues are currently being addressed, but there’s no way for us to find out unless the work is made public or articles like this receive formal responses.
E-mails can be sent to the Buchtelite at [email protected].
The Buchtelite Office is located in the basement of the Student Union. Our Web site is www.buchtelite.com.
E-mails can be sent to ASG at [email protected].
The ASG Office is located on the first floor of the Student Union by The Source and the Commuter Lounge.
Jason Ziegler has assure us that walk-ins are welcome and prefered anytime. If you cannot speak with him directly, the office is always full of people who can help.
ASG senate meetings are held every Thursday at 5:00 p.m. in room 316 of the Student Union and are open to the public.
Their Web site is www.uakron.edu/asg.
It will soon include contact information for each individual senator representing individual colleges.
These are all very reasonable demands from a student body forced to pay for parking as part of tuition.
Talk is cheap.
So, get involved, and stay proactive!