“This year has been different on the University of Akron campus. UA houses a proud tradition in sports that has been highlighted this year due to the much awaited addition of a dazzling new stadium. The men’s soccer team has been demonstrating its dominance over the premier teams in the nation by retaining a stranglehold on the number one spot in the nation.”
This year has been different on the University of Akron campus.
UA houses a proud tradition in sports that has been highlighted this year due to the much awaited addition of a dazzling new stadium.
The men’s soccer team has been demonstrating its dominance over the premier teams in the nation by retaining a stranglehold on the number one spot in the nation.
Concerts and student activities seem to flourish on campus.
On top of that, the campus is abuzz with development plans as a parking structure and new campus housing rise out of obscurity.
If there was ever a time to be excited about attending school at Akron, now would be that time.
This year has rocketed off to an exciting start, but there are so many more dimensions to this campus.
This is my challenge to each of you glancing through this paper right now: make a difference, stand out and make Akron great.
As rewarding as this semester has been so far, just imagine the potential if all students made the effort to stand out.
Some students have already heard this message loud and clear, but there are some others who still need to hear it.
This year is the pinnacle of opportunity at Akron.
At no other time was there an outlet to stand out in the local community but also among wider horizons.
As a collection of buildings, Akron has captured attention by beginning and mostly completing its transformation from a local commuter-focused institution to a full service university.
As students of the university, we are expected to undergo a similar transformation.
No longer are we expected to only partake in class before promptly leaving campus.
The pursuit of knowledge will always be the primary function of a student, but the second function should be to become involved in a solid social atmosphere that compliments academic goals.
Partaking in some sort of student activity is a must, and within reason, the more the better.
If you don’t like something that’s happening on campus, do something to improve it, or even at the very least make some noise.
Tell someone relevant to the problem that a problem actually exists.
Be audacious enough to take a line from our President’s book and remember, The best way to predict the future is to invent it.