” Former Chief Financial Officer John Case’s 10-month administrative leave has been, well, shortened. Yesterday, President Luis Proenza and the University of Akron’s Board of Trustees accepted Case’s resignation as vice president of finance and administration and changed his title to senior business officer.”
Former Chief Financial Officer John Case’s 10-month administrative leave has been, well, shortened.
Yesterday, President Luis Proenza and the University of Akron’s Board of Trustees accepted Case’s resignation as vice president of finance and administration and changed his title to senior business officer. His resignation will become effective Feb. 28. Until that time, he will continue receiving his salary, which is at $242,625 annually.
After Case was relieved of his duties Sept. 9 and granted a 10-month administrative leave, Laura Massie, the university’s director of media relations, stated that Proenza would assign Case daily, full-time responsibilities.
Yesterday, Barbara O’Malley, associate vice president for communications, issued a statement that said Case is on approved leave that he has earned as a result of his past employment at the University of Akron. The statement also said that if Case returns before his resignation becomes effective, he will be assigned work at that time.
The board also approved Proenza’s appointment of Scott Borgemenke as acting vice president for finance and administration. Borgemenke had been serving as associate vice president of strategy and finance since he was hired in March. Although Case will not be returning as chief financial officer, Scott Borgemenke’s appointment to the position is not permanent.
So whether they ask him to become permanent, that’s something that will be determined at a later time, Massie said.
As of Wednesday, there has been no change to Borgemenke’s $142,000 salary. That doesn’t necessarily mean that it won’t change at some point, Massie said.
The resignation comes after editorials in The Plain Dealer and The Buchtelite expressed concern over the way the administration was handling Case’s leave.
The board also accepted the letter of resignation from assistant football coach Reno Ferri.