“Maybe no one’s ever told you this, but when you talk, people listen no matter what. They may not always hear what you wanted them to, but no one’s perfect. However when it’s all said and done, you can’t argue with the fact that it feels good to at least say something than to keep your opinion to yourself.”
Maybe no one’s ever told you this, but when you talk, people listen no matter what.
They may not always hear what you wanted them to, but no one’s perfect.
However when it’s all said and done, you can’t argue with the fact that it feels good to at least say something than to keep your opinion to yourself.
The bottom line is, opinions are important, and thus, should be expressed.
Let’s face it. People like talking.
Above all else, people like being acknowleged and recognized for their beliefs and thoughts.
It’s what defines us as an individual.
There are many people out there who could be classified as opinionated, and the best part is that your opinion will never be the same as theirs.
And there’s nothing wrong with that at all.
So give it a shot. Don’t complain about someone saying something you don’t agree with.
Instead, join them in the exchange of free minds.
See the Buchtelite’s editorial and opinion policy.
Expressing your thoughts can be quite liberating.
You might even be surprised to see how many people agree with you.
There’s nothing wrong with disagreeing either.
That is, after all, why it is called an opinion.