“The Women’s Studies program along with the English department will be hosting a poetry contest on April 14 at Starbucks in the Student Union. The mic will open at 1 p.m. and close at 3 p.m. You do not have to enter the contest in order to read your work. Entries should go to Peggy Richards at plr@uakron.”
The Women’s Studies program along with the English department will be hosting a poetry contest on April 14 at Starbucks in the Student Union. The mic will open at 1 p.m. and close at 3 p.m. You do not have to enter the contest in order to read your work.
Entries should go to Peggy Richards at [email protected].
Submission requirements:
?Sixty Lines or less.
?Typed and double-spaced.
?Submissions by e-mail should be sent in Microsoft
Word format or in Rich Text Format.
?Submissions should include a brief bio and contact
?Submissions by USPS should include a copy on disk.
?Submissions without a SASE will not be returned.
?Deadline for submissions is April 7, 2010.