“Rachel DeChurch, a human resources management senior, was the first to find Shoop and win the $20 in the Student Union on Tuesday. I saw Shoop strolling and as he passed the Union Market, I yelled, ‘Gotcha.’ Check the Buchtelite’s Facebook or Twitter page for a hint about his next location.”
Rachel DeChurch, a human resources management senior, was the first to find Shoop and win the $20 in the Student Union on Tuesday. I saw Shoop strolling and as he passed the Union Market, I yelled, ‘Gotcha.’
Check the Buchtelite’s Facebook or Twitter page for a hint about his next location.
Be the first to find Shoop on Thursday, answer a few questions about today’s issue, win yourself some cash, and become the next member of the Shoop Group.
Read the Buchtelite. It pays.