“Kermit the Frog once sang, It’s not easy being green. While that certainly is true for the failed political career of Ralph Nader, it is not quite so difficult to be more green and environmentally friendly. The Princeton Review ranked green colleges and universities.”
Kermit the Frog once sang, It’s not easy being green. While that certainly is true for the failed political career of Ralph Nader, it is not quite so difficult to be more green and environmentally friendly.
The Princeton Review ranked green colleges and universities. Where does the University of Akron rank on this list?
The answer is it doesn’t.
Out of almost 300 schools, the University of Akron does not rank at all. Apparently, we are all enemies of Captain Planet and pollute and throw trash everywhere.
The ranking system wasn’t clear as to why certain schools were ranked where, but that shouldn’t stop students from being more environmentally friendly.
Since Earth day is April 22 that is all the more reason we pay attention to the size of our carbon footprints.
Earth day is not just a yuppie, hippie, made up day or fake holiday like Sweetest Day. It is a day of awareness and an environmental teach-in. The day was specifically chosen by Senator Gaylord Nelson to maximize participation on college campuses.
Let’s participate and make the big blue world that we live on a little bit greener.
Throughout the Student Union there are recycling bins, to throw away items that would otherwise sit in a landfill for years. Instead of driving from one side of campus to the other, walk or ride a bike to class.
And yes, it may seem like an oxymoron for a newspaper to endorse being environmentally friendly, but the Buchtelite attempts to be as green as possible.
Every week the unread issues are recycled instead of trashed.
So unlike our little green Muppet friend, it is easier than he thought to be green and we can all do our part.