When people find out that I am a vegetarian, they look at me with blasphemy in their eyes. It is almost as if I just challenged their entire belief system and then spit on their feet.
When people find out that I am a vegetarian, they look at me with blasphemy in their eyes. It is almost as if I just challenged their entire belief system and then spit on their feet.
In the United States, half a million animals are killed for meat every hour. For every animal that’s killed, there’s another vegetarian misconception. While I cannot speak for vegetarians across the board, I can speak for myself. I have been a vegetarian since I was 12 and it had nothing to do with animals. I never really liked the taste, texture or look of meat. When I was 12, I was force fed a disgusting piece of steak. It made me sick and I threw up all over the plate. That was my last taste of meat.
People assume a lot of myths when it comes to being a vegetarian. Consequently, I am asked the same questions all of the time.
Humans and the digestive system are designed to eat meat. This isn’t true at all. If one were to take a look at the digestive systems in both carnivores and herbivores in the animal kingdom and compare those to that of a human, one would see that humans mirror the latter more. Most animals, including gorillas, which humans mimic the most, are vegetarians.
You’re lacking in protein! There are plenty of vegetarian options that are high in protein. Beans, most vegetables, grains and quinoa contain more than the sufficient amount of protein.
Well, if you don’t eat meat, then what do you eat? Anything. Seriously. There are plenty of options at most restaurants, and with a little research and creativity, anyone can be a smart, healthy vegetarian. The average physician only receives around three hours of training on nutrition while in medical school. So, if one puts forth the right amount of effort, he or she can be more educated than a physician.
What about your vitamins? If vegetarians know what to eat and aren’t also vegan, they are typically not lacking in vitamins. If one is in search of supplements, there are a plethora of options.
So, you’re really into animal rights? A lot of vegetarians are crazy animal rights activists, but not all are. Organizations such as PETA take issues to the next level of insanity. Most vegetarians are more focused on being healthy and not eating processed foods. Meat is a highly processed food.
Don’t you miss meat? Reading books like Eating Animals and watching documentaries on the meat industry are enough to convince me to continue being a vegetarian. Meat actually makes me want to throw up, to be frank.
Being a vegetarian isn’t for everyone, but for me it’s just right. If people stepped outside of their comfort zones and educated themselves, they might be less inclined to think so lowly of herbivores.