As the semester comes to a close and May graduation approaches, it is time for students to think about what they need to do next. Graduating from college is an outstanding milestone! Have you thought about what your future holds? What are the critical issues that you need to consider as you make the transfer from your college years to your career path?
As the semester comes to a close and May graduation approaches, it is time for students to think about what they need to do next. Graduating from college is an outstanding milestone! Have you thought about what your future holds? What are the critical issues that you need to consider as you make the transfer from your college years to your career path?
Life After Akron is an information session that provides tips and hints on navigating the waters of your first full-time position. Its goal is to prepare students for the outside world after graduation. Other topics discussed will include: finding your first apartment, networking in the office, understanding the organizational climate and more. The Information Session will be held Tuesday, April 26 in the Student Union Room 310, from 4p.m.-5p.m.