What do you look for in a significant other? Do you evaluate physique, smile? What about personality? Maybe you’re like me and even take into consideration what kind of grades this person gets in his or her classes, or better yet, whether he or she even bothers going to class!
What do you look for in a significant other? Do you evaluate physique, smile? What about personality? Maybe you’re like me and even take into consideration what kind of grades this person gets in his or her classes, or better yet, whether he or she even bothers going to class!
I do, and let me tell you, it makes the pickings rather slim. Why? Because a person’s religious convictions often have a huge impact on values and lifestyle. Take sex, for example. Premarital sex has become such a common practice in our society that it is almost expected, especially for those who have been in an exclusive relationship for an extended period of time.
We are constantly immersed in such a sexualized culture that individuals such as me who have a conservative, religious view of sexuality are often uncomfortable in contemporary romances. It can be quite challenging to find a suitable partner who shares your values. Even if you decide that sharing a religion isn’t so important, however, it also can be hard to strike a balance between the expectations of your religion, the expectations of your partner’s religion and the customs of modern society.
So why even bother with this religious stuff anyway when all it does is create complications and cause conflicts? Would it be better to just forget the whole convention?
The presence of religion in romantic relationships is enormously beneficial, even in our sexual, secular society. It fosters love and facilitates compassion, understanding and a deep sense of intimacy between partners, all of which are essential to a healthy relationship. It may be difficult, but it is entirely possible to have a rewarding relationship and still maintain your religious convictions, and it’s something I can’t wait to experience for myself.