“When our founding fathers wrote and ratified the Constitution, they outlined several basic and inalienable rights. You may have heard of them. They are the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Nowhere did these men announce that the government would be responsible for providing for its citizens.”
When our founding fathers wrote and ratified the Constitution, they outlined several basic and inalienable rights. You may have heard of them. They are the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Nowhere did these men announce that the government would be responsible for providing for its citizens. Understanding the concept of self-reliance should come easily to the politicians in Washington. However, it seems Obama and company have shown that they just can’t grasp these rights and resort to trampling all over them. If elected, Obama and his friends would stop at nothing to give away the wealth of America, turning this country into a socialist state.
Some of you reading may not quite understand the ramifications of socialism, but a quick synopsis will have to do. Simply, it is government control of the means of production and distribution. Anyone who has read George Orwell’s 1984 would understand that any sort of government regulation is extremely dangerous and may eventually lead to complete and total government control, not only in the economy but also in our private lives under the watchful eyes of Big Brother. This is why we have a free market system through strong private property rights, free of excessive government interference.
When our free market economy was envisioned, the only role for the government was to act as an arbiter, nothing more. As a free market, producers and consumers could meet and exchange goods in a way that both parties would benefit. The producer would receive more money than it cost him to make the good and the consumer would receive the product. When these kinds of transactions occur, the market is efficient. The only taxation that is necessary is the taxing to cover the costs of the government acting as a protector. Inefficiency begins to take place when the government starts doing more than what it was intended for, when they become more than a protector.
Taxes and regulation force companies, no matter how big or small, to raise their prices, hurting both the producer and consumer. But more significant is the damage regulation has on the private property rights of company owners. These property rights were established by the writers of the Constitution to counter the policies that were in place under the rule of England. Under this rule the English government could, without notice, seize anyone’s land or residence at the whim of the king. This kind of activity was the reason the founding fathers gave us strict and strong property rights to avoid fear and intimidation from our own government. This is how a free-market economy can be explained. Taxation and regulation impede a company owner’s property rights and is therefore unconstitutional. Once the government gets involved, there is no turning back. This is not just the rise of socialism, it is only the beginning.
Next, there are social programs enacted that take the money of the citizens and spread it around to everyone, quoting Obama in his conversation with Joe the Plumber. In America we have countless government programs aimed at doing exactly that. The most notable new example is Obama’s socialized health care plan, aimed at insuring each and every American because, as Obama claims, it’s a right. First and foremost, this plan is unconstitutional, as nowhere in our Constitution is there a provision for government supplied benefits. Secondly, it is corrupt because it gives health care to those who have not earned it. This plan controls means of production by controlling the amount of money that comes out of our pockets to pay for the health care, and it controls the means of distribution by determining who is eligible for the health care.
Is this what we want from our next President? Do we really want socialism to run rampant? Do we want the United States of America to turn into the next U.S.S.R.? As concerned and aware citizens, we must fight against Obama and the liberals in Washington for the sake of our future. Yes, we want change in government, but let’s not fall prey to smooth talking and good looks. We need the kind of change that will propel us back into the fold of the greatest document in the history of the world-the United States Constitution.