“The name Nadya Suleman probably evokes some kind of emotion. If you don’t know, Suleman is the mother from California who recently gave birth to octuplets, after already having six children under the age of eight. She is not married, and conceived these children with in vitro fertilization and sperm donors.”
The name Nadya Suleman probably evokes some kind of emotion.
If you don’t know, Suleman is the mother from California who recently gave birth to octuplets, after already having six children under the age of eight.
She is not married, and conceived these children with in vitro fertilization and sperm donors.
It should also be noted that she doesn’t have a job.
More recently, she opted not to accept free 24-hour nursing care after finding out she was not going to be on a reality show.
Who in the right mind would reject free help with 14 children all under the age of eight?
It’s ridiculous.
It’s also ridiculous that a doctor would even allow her to get into this situation.
It is obvious that this woman has mental health issues that need to be resolved, so what were the doctors thinking?
Personally, we feel bad for the kids. They are going to have a tough life and have to deal with a lot of things at a young age.
We don’t blame Suleman for this. It’s obvious something isn’t working right up stairs. The problem here is the doctors. They should have realized she was a little off, and rejected her from having more children at the present time.