With the selection process for the vacant Chief Justice position underway, the Republican party is crying. If the Republican Party doesn’t get someone that they want appointed to the court they will give a whale of a fight as Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah said.
With the selection process for the vacant Chief Justice position underway, the Republican party is crying. If the Republican Party doesn’t get someone that they want appointed to the court they will give a whale of a fight as Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah said.
Republicans said the nominee should not be driven by a specific agenda, but by the law. However, if the nominee were to be extremely conservative, they probably would stop complaining.
Republicans also said that they would filibuster until a nominee that they approve of is made.
The term filibuster may invoke images of James Stewart in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, staving off the corruption of the government, but that is not what these political parties are doing no matter what they may tell you.
The filibuster was originally a way for minority senators to have their voices heard and to promote compromise.
It seems as if the filibuster itself is being corrupted.
Rather than allowing minority senators’ voices to be heard, it is being used by the two major parties when they don’t get what they want.
This Republican statement of efforts to delay confirmation of a nominee was made before any specific nominee was chosen.
Currently, there are ten potential nominees for the position.
One would think that out of ten potential nominees, the two constantly disagreeing parties of this county could find one person to agree upon.
Contrary to popular belief, the politics of this country were not built upon two completely different groups facing each other like two opponents in a war.
Government should be about compromising, not wasting time just to get what you want.
Instead of demonizing the other political parties, maybe politicians could focus on what matters and compromise.
Much of the legislation of the past is based on compromise.
All of this historical legislation was much more important than the petty things that politicians seem to argue and stonewall about now.
All the represenatives and senators, Republican and Democrat, can’t always get what they want.Instead of having their own agendas, perhaps they should follow what the Republicans want in a chief justice: someone not driven by a specific agenda, but by the law.