Use Your Voice
We Want To Hear From You.
Winter 2023 Submissions must be received by December 10.
The Buchtelite is always looking for student work to share. We take our work as the independent voice of the students at The University of Akron very seriously, and we want to amplify your voice.
We publish online/on social media throughout the semester and we publish print editions in August, January and May.
We accept (for consideration):
- Letters to the Editor
- Opinion Pieces
- Essays
- Creative Writing (poetry, creative non-fiction, short/flash fiction, etc.)
- Art submissions (please provide a caption and a full resolution image of the artwork)
- News submissions (want to write a news story? You can submit it below, or you can reach out for advice by emailing the advisor or editor).
- Idea submissions (want to pitch a story?)
- Your Creative Work Here – do you write songs? Create films? Design prosthetics as a biomedical engineer? We’re willing to consider whatever you would like to submit.
Please note, publication is at the discretion of the student editorial team and the editor-in-chief of The Buchtelite.
See the form below to submit your voice.
Please send any questions about the to:
Submit Your Creative Work and Opinion Pieces/Letters to the Editor Here
Submit any one or all of the following things. *Artists and writers please note: by submitting your work, you grant us the right to publish your work on our website, in print and via social media. You do, however, retain ownership and the copyright to your material should you like to submit elsewhere or resubmit.