Marcus Nicholson
Monday marked the 27th observation of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and The University of Akron celebrated with an activities fair and concert in his honor.
“We want a campus commitment to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.’s life,” Dr. Rosa Githiora, a coordinator for the event, said.
The event, held in the Student Union Ballroom, allowed not only UA students to participate in activities, but others in the community.
“We want students to come here,” Githiora said. “That’s why we opened it up to the public. We want to bring in a diverse group.”
The event had a wide range of activities, including face painting, balloons, jewelry making, coloring and crafts. The Buchtel High School step team performed, as well as the New Season Gospel Choir from UA.
“I appreciate the things they have for kids to do,” Steven Pitts, a third-year business major at UA, said. “It’s wise to educate the youth on a man who had a dream that was bigger than him, in a fun way.”
Pitts said learning about the country’s leaders is important for everyone.
Mary L. Wright, the president of Zeta Theta Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, an organization founded by African-American women, said this fair is a good way for students of all ages to learn about Martin Luther King Jr.
“It’s a great opportunity for kids to come and visit a college campus,” Wright said. “It’s very important for kids to learn at a young age about Martin Luther King Jr.”