Maps in motion
Caitlin Cadieux describes differences between working in-house and freelance.
September 30, 2015
Graphic designer and animator Caitlin Cadieux visited Folk Hall on Sept. 29 to debut her first lecture titled, “The Cartography of Motion Design.”
The lecture started with Cadieux showing pictures of her favorite examples of motion graphics and animation, including the stop-motion animated film The Fantastic Mr. Fox and animated film The Lion King.
Cadieux gave her “ultimate advice” to those confused and intimidated by different forms of motion design.
“Just try it. There’s so much you can do and that can be really intimidating and that’s why I avoided 3D for a really long time. But really you should just try it and get the program, especially if you’re a student because it’s way more accessible,” Cadieux said.
She then laid out some of the pros and cons of in-house and freelance design work.
“When you’re working in-house it’s great because you’re in a group of people. They’re all really talented and willing to help you,” she said.
Cadieux spoke about her personal experience. She stated that it allowed her to make connections, who would then later contact her for additional projects.
“Freelance right out of the gate is terrifying,” Cadieux said. Yet, as a benefit of freelance, “you just don’t schedule work for when you want to be off, and just make sure you have enough money. That can be difficult, but the option is there.”
Cadieux informed the audience of the Twitter hashtag, #mochat, which is most active on Tuesday nights at 9 p.m. for an hour. It allows people to talk about motion.
“Twitter is a big deal for motion people. They’re all on there and very accessible. A lot of really amazing and talented people hang out on there and dispense advice,” she said.
Cadieux also suggested, a helpful website to chat with others working in motion design. It is especially helpful to those working alone in freelance when they may need help on a project.
UA student Emma Reinart, said, “It’s really cool to see someone actually doing it and has had student experience with it. I’m in a 4D motion class so as I’m learning it it’s really cool to see someone that’s actually gone through it and learned how hard it is to get started, but it’s cool to see that you’ll eventually catch on.”
Samples of Cadieux’s animations can be seen on her website: