“Students from outside of Akron, and even Summit County are welcome to vote in Akron elections on Tuesday. Thanks to provisional voting laws in Ohio, students are able to vote in the local primary, even if they live in the university area only during the school year.”
Students from outside of Akron, and even Summit County are welcome to vote in Akron elections on Tuesday.
Thanks to provisional voting laws in Ohio, students are able to vote in the local primary, even if they live in the university area only during the school year.
Director of the Summit County Board of Elections Bryan Williams said if students are properly registered in the state of Ohio, they are already eligible to vote.
Williams said by virtue of voting they are establishing residency.
They (students) can move in Sept. 10 and as long as they are registered to vote somewhere in the state of Ohio they can vote in the election.
If you live in the university area you are eligible to vote in Summit County.
While students may vote in any election, the primary on Tuesday is unique.
While it is a primary election, it will however, decide the next mayor of Akron. Since there is no republican candidate running, incumbent Don Plusquellic will face councilman Joe Finley for the position without a general election.
A Republican candidate can still register to be in the primary by Monday.
If you want someone running you like, you need to vote in the primary Finley said. The problem in this election, the general is the primary and it will determine the mayor.
No matter who the students vote for, the important thing is that they get out and vote.
Plusquellic feels the student vote will only help the election turnout.
I think most people acknowledge he has done good things for the city, Russ Balthis, Treasurer of the Plusquellic committee said on behalf of the Mayor. I think it’s a good thing for the mayor.
Students who wish to vote in the election have two options.
Out-of-county provisional voters are required to vote at the Board of Elections on election day or they can do it before, Williams said. If they do it before, it is an absentee provisional.
Provisional ballots are available upon request, and must be obtained by Saturday. They must be returned by 7:30 p.m. on election day, according to the Board of Elections’ Web site.
Conveniently, the Summit County Board of Elections building is located on Grant Street, a short walk from the South Quad of campus.
They can vote right there in the office so they don’t have to wait, Williams said. Given the closeness, it’s easier to just come in.
Unfortunately, students not already registered to vote in Ohio are ineligible due to a 30-day waiting period.
The deadline to register for the September election was Aug. 13, Williams said. However, there is still plenty of time to register for the December elections.
Polls are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on election day. More information and absentee ballots can be found on the Summit County Board of Elections Web site, www.summitcountyboe.com.
” #1.1361916:1353162392.jpg:ELECTIONS.jpg:Outside the Board of Elections building on Grant Steet.:Mike Piero”
“#1.1361915:1673714924.jpg:SIGN.jpg:Incumbent Mayor Don Plusquellic’s large campaign sign on the corner of Exchange and Sumner streets.:”